
Easy Cleaning Tips for the Festive Season
Over two years of the Covid era did somewhat dampen our spirits of celebration. But this year, Madhu and Rajesh decided to bring back the magic of the festive season with a house that is quite the place for memorable moments...
Why you must switch to a safer dishwash liquid
Beautifully manicured hands end up dry, shriveled, and damaged due to washing dishes with the regular chemical-filled dish soaps in the market. Read on to find a solution...
Descaling tips & solution 
Unsightly and patchy white bathroom tiles - chrome plated fittings looking dull - hard water deposits on taps and bathtubs - one common problem ~ Limescale! Read more to understand what limescale is and how to get rid of it.
How to Clean a Car Mirror
How to Clean Car Mirrors and shine like glass? Your car mirrors are essential for driving safely and protecting yourself, your passengers, and othe...
How Do You Disinfect A House?
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How Do You Disinfect A House It is critical to keep your home clean and disinfected in order to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy. Eve...
How Often to Clean Range Hood filters
When was the last time you checked the exhaust fan filters underneath your stove hood? If you haven’t done this in a long time or haven’t done it b...

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